Message from the Principal ZCA Monze
I would like to welcome you to the Zambia College of Agriculture-Monze (ZCA-Monze) and to our website. ZCA-Monze offers a diversity of opportunities and a wide range of experiences.
ZCA-Monze upholds a high standard of practical training and this is our pride that we cherish so much. We have a huge history in providing quality agricultural training with emphasis on practical. Our training aims to cater for the needs of Government, Private sector and individuals.
Our training staff are a team of dedicated men and women who always go an extra mile to put in their level best in training our students.
Our training staff meets the required competencies and skills required to undertake training at both the Certificate and Diploma levels.
Our students have always been held in high esteem wherever they have worked, our student’s take pride in carrying and defending the name of ZCA-Monze.
The College also offers an array of activities and extra-curricular opportunities outside the classroom. Students both male and female compete in a wide range of sporting activities ranging from football, netball, basketball, volleyball, athletics etc.
The College is represented annually at the Agricultural Colleges Sports Association (AGRICOSA) tournament in which the College is the current overall Champion for the 2022 edition of the tournament.
Other than sports, students can also take part in other activities like cultural dancing where the College has an unmatched group of dancers in Monze District.
As Principal, I am proud to be part of this Community. I am proud of the Staff that brings it all together, I am proud of the students that we work with every day.
As ZCA-Monze we value the role that parents and guardians to our students play in the running of the College.
I welcome all our prospective student’s to ZCA-Monze Community and we look forward to having joining our Community and to be part of the history of the College.
Thank you.
Mwansa Misumbi (Mr.)